World Café Event hosted at USU February 9th 2019 in Medan / Indonesia
As one of the activities of INSPIRE, USU carried out world café on 9th February 2019 in the IMT-GT room at USU Central Administration Bureau, Medan Indonesia.
The world café program began with welcome and introduction by the USU’s INSPIRE team (Pramio Sembiring, Nelson Siahaan, Agus Harahap). After that followed by a brief presentation about the INSPIRE project ERASMUS+. This world café discusses the processing of community waste in the city of Medan. This theme was chosen because the culture of waste recycling has not been well socialized in Medan city. In addition to that, USU also wants to take part in overcoming the problem of garbage in the city of Medan.
The world café participants consisting of students from different fields of knowledge were divided into five discussion groups. Each group discussed to find a solution to the case study given. With the group discussion method, we invite students to find solutions to waste problems in Medan city by involving all elements of society. The program continued with listening to the presentation of the results of the discussion from each group accompanied by a question and answer session.
The entire event was guided by USU’s INSPIRE team.