Project Details:
Isara is a Deaf community-center platform that includes an open sign language learning application, an online sign interpreter service, and a crowdsourced, Deaf-friendly video subtitle-making tool.
Isara Learning is an open sign language dictionary and learning platform to preserve, teach, and learn sign language.
Isara Interpreter is an Uber for sign interpreters – a peer-to-peer, on-demand, online sign interpretation service.
- Name of the company: Isara
- Adress: 11 Reu Biscornet, Paris 75012, France
- Contact:
Empowering Deaf and hearing impaired people
According to the WHO, 364 million people of the world’s population are either deaf or are hearing impaired. Isara is the solution for those people’s problems, as it combines an open sign language learning platform, an online interpreter service for sign language and a tool for creating subtitles for videos which is financed by crowdfunding.
- Isara Learning: Isara Learning is a dictionary and learning platform for sign language open for anyone to learn, teach and preserve sign language. Isara allows deaf people and sign linguists to collaborate in expanding this database and in providing further inputs to gradually improve the self-learning tool. The quality is monitored and maintained by both deaf persons and sign linguists. The classes are free of charge, as people with hearing capability who learn sign language from deaf people can then help by providing subtitles for some videos. In addition, for becoming a sustainable business, Isara encourages people who teach sign language and those who know it to become interpreters.
- Isara Interpreter – the Uber for sign language interpreters. Isara interpreter is an on demand, peer-to-peer online sign interpretation service, created to improve accessibility to public services, banks, hospitals, etc. for the deaf community. Another advantage is that this can be done remotely, thus saving time and costs for the interpreter travelling to the place and it also eliminates not having access to such services. This way, the community is able to be actively involved in society by offering them the possibility to join conferences or go to university.
- Isara TV: Isara TV is a tool for creating subtitles for videos to enable the deaf community to enjoy series and movie and thus, improving their quality of life.